This is an individual task in which students should develop a project proposal. The project proposal should include the project identification, a project plan, a
schedule and budget with appropriate justification. The contents of this assignment may be related to the previously prepared case study or a new project. The
assignment should include references from peer-reviewed sources (i.e. books and academic Journals) formatted using the Harvard referencing style. The project
proposal and the indicative table of contents with a brief description for each part should be agreed with Dr Diego Navarra via email (
during (and no later than) week 5.
Expected table of contents: Introduction on the organization, project identification, project plan, project schedule, project budget, conclusions, references.
It assesses the following learning outcomes:
• Outcome 1: describe the need for a project- based approach inside organizations
• Outcome 2: understand the role of project management as a strategic element inside organizations
• Outcome 3: critically assess the roles and responsibilities of a project manager
• Outcome 4: evaluate how to select, develop, plan, schedule and measure its outcomes and risks.