Write a memo no longer than 2 pages (single spaced, 11 point font) representing your country’s (CHINA) negotiating position on whether or not Article 44 needs to be amended, and if so, what the addition(s) should include.

In the week 8 synchronous session, we will be negotiating whether the World Health Assembly (WHA) needs to revise the International Health Regulations (IHRs). Specifically, we will be focusing on Article 44, which outlines processes for collaboration and technical assistance between countries, provision of financial support, and WHO’s role in supporting assessment and evaluation of progress towards compliance with core capacity requirements.

You will be representing CHINA. Your country has been selected to participate in a Working Group, ahead of the main WHA, to discuss potential amendments or additions to Article 44.

Write a memo no longer than 2 pages (single spaced, 11 point font) representing your country’s (CHINA) negotiating position on whether or not Article 44 needs to be amended, and if so, what the addition(s) should include. Write this memo as if you are subject matter expert and you are presenting the memo to your negotiating ambassador.


It should include the following:

  • Short background on the WHO’s IHRs.
  • Your country’s equities in global health and, specifically, global health security (consider both domestic capacities for health security as well as global partnerships/assistance/relationships
  • Justification/argument on whether or not Article 44 should be amended, and why (from your country’s standpoint)
  • Assess political feasibility and practicality of your proposal.
  • Identify what other nations might be sympathetic to your proposal and which countries may oppose it, and why.
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