Casual Analysis
We’ve read some great pieces so far this semester, now it’s time to transition to a more formal style of writing and arguing. This is a casual analysis, but you will using formal language and crafting an argument, something you want your reader to agree with you on.
Analyze the text. In order to effectively answer these questions, you may need to reread your text..
Who is the author? How may the author’s identity relate to the text they created?
What is the author’s central idea?
What do you think caused them to compose the text?
Who is the audience or audiences? What makes you think that?
What do you think the author’s intentions are?
What logical schema were used to develop the author’s ideas? Do they describe, tell a story, compare and contrast, show cause and effect, bring in evidence ?
How did the author organize the text? Think about the beginning, middle, and end. What effect does this organization have?
What style and tone does the author use and why? What diction does the author use? What does that tell you about the author and situation?