Discuss any potential zoning issues Muriel may encounter with regard to the location and type of development she has in mind.

Muriel Prewitt, owner of the brand new WWW development firm, has come to our law firm looking for advice about the potential zoning issues she may face for the project she intends to construct on a plot of land her firm recently purchased.

The real estate she has purchased is located in a primarily residential area in Pinellas County and is currently undeveloped. Muriel informs you that she would like to develop the land with both residential structures and commercial structures.

She envisions the final project consisting of two high-rise luxury apartment buildings connected to a strip mall with boutique stores and space for a restaurant or two. Muriel has a detailed plan of the complex, including an estimate of how much traffic her complex would generate, procedures for waste and sanitation, as well as estimates of the energy efficiency of her complex, based on her expected energy requirement and building materials.
Muriel is aware that there are zoning regulations that her complex will need to comply with, but she wants professional advice as to what sort of things she should take into consideration with planning and zoning her complex. She would also like to know how she would go about getting approval for her buildings.
1) Discuss any potential zoning issues Muriel may encounter with regard to the location and type of development she has in mind.

2. List the steps Muriel would have to follow in order to obtain a building permit for her project.

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