Identify a theory that uses a concept of interest to you that can be applied in research and nursing practice (clinical, education, or administration).
Provide a brief description of the theory using an original source or as close to the original source as possible. Include a brief discussion of the origins of the theory and the scope/level (grand, middle range, practice/situation specific) of the theory.
Identify the major concepts of the theory and discuss how they are related (propositions). Pick two of the concepts, including your concept of interest, and state theoretical definitions of these concepts.
1. Brief discussion of theory origins, scope/level of theory and how the theory relates to the concept of interest (20pts)
2. Identification of major theory concepts (min of 3 concepts) (20pts)
3. Brief discussion of relationships among main concepts (propositions) within the theory (20pts)
4. Theoretical definitions of two concepts. One definition must be that of the concept of interest (20pts)