How does this material apply to information from class discussions or the book?How can you apply this material to your own life?What is the topic/purpose of the article?

The goal of this assignment is to help you see how psychology research relates to real life issues. These articles relate to information we have covered in class or that is in your book. After reading the article, you will need to fully answer the questions below. You may NOT plagiarize from the article or any other source. Plagiarizing will result in an automatic zero, and you will be reported for academic misconduct.

Title of the Article: Does Stress Cause Ulcers?

The PDF article is below

1. What is the topic/purpose of the article?

2. What did you specifically learn from this article?

3. How does this material apply to information from class discussions or the book?

4. How can you apply this material to your own life?

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