Answer the questions the following from article provided.
Feminism and the Ethics of Care
1. Summarize what you take to be the key aspects of the ethics of care, illustrating with examples where appropriate. Here are some questions to consider: Why do care ethicists find traditional ethical theories inadequate? Does care ethics focus on action in determining morality, or is there another aspect of our moral life that they emphasize? How does the ethics of care approach moral problems differently from other approaches?
2. On page 147 of the reading, Rachels presents the Heinz dilemma, where a man is trying to decide whether to steal a lifesaving drug for his dying wife.
What do you think Heinz should do in this case? What are your reasons? Does your reasoning fit into either of the patterns that Rachels describes as masculine feminine? If you can, ask around to see what other people think, and see if their reasoning fits into this gender-based model. Does this model fit with your experience?
3. The ethics of care revolves on the idea that there is a distinctly feminine way of viewing morals that is distinct from the more masculine way of viewing it. On this view, the masculine way of viewing morals involves abstract rules, and a focus on action.
Do you agree that there is a distinctly masculine and feminine way of viewing morals? Is it useful to link these two styles of viewing ethics with gender? Or might it be better to use a different description? If so, what description would you prefer?