What are the overall goals for the training or the benefit to the selected organization?

Develop a small training exercise in the form of a PowerPoint presentation. Review previous needs assessments and training observations conducted at your workplace to help identify one area for improvement that would benefit your organization.

Create an 8-10 slide PowerPoint presentation of your training exercise, with speaker notes, and include the following:

What are the overall goals for the training or the benefit to the selected organization?
What are two specific objectives for the training exercise?
What processes or procedures will change after the training has been completed?
Describe the strategies or actions involved in the training exercise to meet the established goals and objectives. What is the expected employee performance or application after the training? How will the strategies drive successful business results and improve employee performance?
How will the organization provide support to the current employees receiving this training? To new employees? How will the effectiveness of the training exercise be measured to confirm the anticipated improvement of employee performance?

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