Managing Commitment in Demanding Jobs
Your charge is to prepare a report for your boss that describes what you learned during your visit to Tiger. The report should begin with a description of Tiger Advertising and its current situation. The report should also describe the most important problems Tiger is confronted with, as well as the causes of those problems, in terms of OB concepts and theories. In your report, ensure you cover the following issues.
1. Describe the diversity that’s present in Tiger’s top management team. Discuss how the team’s diversity likely affects its functioning and its effectiveness.
2.Describe signs that group think is present in Tiger’s top management team. In what ways is this group think problematic? What can be done to overcome these problems?
3.Describe the primary sources of stress the creative associates are experiencing. Explain how some of these stressors have led to Tiger’s problems while others have led to its success.
4.What is the underlying general premise that senior client managers seem to have regarding the stressful demands at Tiger, and in what ways is this premise problematic?
5.Why are the perceptions of the managers and creative associates so different with respect to the nature of Tiger’s management practices and policies? What role could emotional intelligence play in ameliorating some of these differences?
6.Based on your analysis of Tiger, does the company need a minor “tune-up” in regard to its practices and policies, or is a major overhaul in order? What three recommendations would most likely resolve Tiger’s problems with organizational commitment and potential future litigation?