Describe how modern digital technologies have/haven’t impacted how writing and reports function in your chosen industry/workplace.

Book: Sense of Style — Steven Pinker (Business Human Resources Focus)

Investigate the types of writing and specifically reports that are typically used in an area of industry (or a particular business) that is of interest to you.

Describe the types of writing and reports your chosen industry/workplace uses.
Make sure to elaborate on the work each type of report accomplishes, the tone each type of report is written in, and how each type is used (upwards/downwards/lateral…internal/external…informational/analytical).
Describe how modern digital technologies have/haven’t impacted how writing and reports function in your chosen industry/workplace.
Describe what skills/knowledge/techniques you’ll need to continue developing to create the types of writing and reports your field of interest relies upon.
Analyze/describe the intersections you see between your research and what you read in either Microstyle or Sense of Style
Analyze/describe how having done this research and the knowledge you are gaining of workplace communication will/could be beneficial to you.

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