How, when and where do consumers/customers buy? What is the purchasing behaviour process?

Individual Phase Report

This phase report is a situational analysis based on certain criteria.

The analysis must contain the marketing implications of this data presented for our client partner’ as you consider potential new BOS ideas. You do not need to include BOS but you do need to be thinking about potential opportunities as you collect the data and analyze for this report.

This report is to be completed individually and analyzing one of the phases in detail.

Length: 2,000 words (+/- 10%; word count excluding title page, table of contents, reference list and appendices)

Phase 1- Demand Conditions for this Market


Consumption patterns things you can consider to include:

I. Industry Map

II. How much do they buy?

o Amount of consumption by type and trends, o fluctuations and cycles in demand.

o Consider both B2B and B2C

III. Who buys and consumes?

o How is the market segmented? Eg. geographic, demographic, psychographic, behavioral, OR VALS.

o Customer lifecycle (changes over life-stages of customers)

IV. How, when and where do consumers/customers buy?

o What is the purchasing behaviour process?

o Decision making unit (buying process, alternatives considered, information sources, decision criteria, existing knowledge and beliefs etc.)

V. PESTLE on Demand –including, political, regulations, legal issues, economic, socio- cultural, technology, environment (eg. Health and well being, Attitudes to climate change, etc) and relevant infrastructure (transport, communication, finance etc). How does this affect consumer/customer demand

VI. Buyer Power section of Porter’s 5 Forces, what can we learn about buyer power in this market?

The analysis must contain the marketing implications of this data presented for our client partner’ as you consider potential new BOS ideas in preparation for phase 5.

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