Communicate the main findings from your research project in engaging format for a non-expert audience.

Final project: creative submission

The purpose of this assignment is to communicate the main findings from your research project in engaging format for a non-expert audience. The information should be communicated clearly, concisely, and accurately in one of three ways: info graphic, brochure, or video. The project will be evaluated on the basis of its accuracy, academic rigor, clarity, and ability to engage the viewer/reader. Keep in mind that 3 of your peers will review your submission and provide feedback (although the final grade will be assigned by the instructor).

Option A: Fact Sheet or Info graphic
You will create a 1-2 page fact sheet or info graphic that uses text and graphics to present the key findings from your research. Your submission should include the following components:

Title—The title contains the topic or research question
Content—Present the key findings from your research. Organize the content in such a way so that it is easily understandable and visually appealing. The content should succinctly, yet adequately describe the main findings from your research. Graphics should complement the text.
References—Make sure to include citations for at-least 3 peer-reviewed journals. Other reputable sources can be included as well (e.g., government or university websites, textbooks). You do not need to include in-text citations but references should be listed and formatted according to APA 7th edition style: link below

Audience—Identify the intended audience (either in the title or elsewhere in the text – can be in a footnote). Make sure the content is appropriate for the audience of parents, general public, school teachers. Avoid jargon and define terms.
Use bulleted lists, tables, and charts instead of narrative text

You may use Word or PowerPoint or a template from one of these sites (free versions available). However, upload your final submission as a PDF.


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