Literature: Identify the author, title, and date, genre, and form of the adaptation.


Select a work of literature from this course and examine how it had been adapted into another work of art as a film, drama, a sequel. An adaptation is NOT video or film of the original, but a new work which is based on the original is a substantive way.
Examples: (Voltaire’s Candide and the Leonard Bernstein musical Candide)
Introductory paragraph:
Identify the author, title, and date, genre, and form of the adaptation (the facts).
Then provide the same facts for the adaptation.
Develop a thesis sentence that summarizes the result of your reading/research.
Body paragraphs:
Show what is retained from the original (genre, setting, plot, characters, theme).
Identify what the new work has changed (genre, setting, plot, characters, theme)
Finally: How have the issues and themes changed in the adaptation?
Conclusion: What do you think of the adaptation in relation to the original?

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