Corporate Governance: Using the Theoretical framework. Present the key concepts, briefly explain how they are related, and present the propositions that are relevant to this study.

Corporate Governance

Focus on Whistle blowing on Corporate Governance: A Systematic Review and write a well-developed literature review.

Assignment Instructions:

1. Following the directions below, enhance your theoretical review
2. Update your annotated bibliography to move the sources to the reference page and now merge the content from each article into logically flowing paragraphs.
3. Include in your summary at least one or two dissertation titles reviewed
Theoretical Framework:
• Using the Theoretical framework. Present the key concepts, briefly explain how they are related, and present the propositions that are relevant to this study.
• Explain how the framework guided the research decisions, including the development of the problem statement, purpose statement, and research questions.
• If more than one framework is guiding the study, integrate them, rather than describing them independently. Do not exceed two pages. Do not select a separate framework for each variable/construct under examination
• References: Include a minimum of 15 scholarly resources. APA 7th edition

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