In the paper, consider how each standard of the Section would affect ethical decision-making in that job. apply to that job.
Provide the new employees with examples of work related activities, common dilemmas, and interactions in the workplace to which the standards relate. You will also synthesize the information from the articles and the course readings to support your main ideas in this paper.
Finally, in a one-page section, analyze the relationship between your personal values and ethical decision-making in this job role. Make suggestions for how the new employees can analyze their personal values and socio-cultural influences in relation to ethical decision-making in this role.
Be sure to address the following in your paper:
1. What is the chosen job role that will serve as the context for your paper? What are some key job tasks, work related activities, and interactions associated with this job? Explain these as if you were presenting a summary of them to the new employees.
2. Summarize your chosen Section of the Ethics Code. Be sure to address each of the standards of that section. Remember to write this with your audience in mind.
3. How does each standard of the Section relate to typical work related activities, common dilemmas, and interactions of this job? Provide concrete examples to illustrate these for the new employees.