Examine the kind of information that would improve service to clients or advance the understanding of practitioners in your field.Identify some of the contemporary challenges that confront practitioners in your field.

Your exploration of the literature may lead you to identify a wide range of themes and topics in your field, and you should mention the primary themes and topics briefly. Then, for purposes of this assignment, narrow your focus to one broad theme or topic of interest to you, and tailor your paper around answering the questions below based on this narrowed focus.
• Identify contemporary themes and topics you found in both the academic and professional literature as you prepared your Discussion Forum post earlier in the week and as you searched the scholarly literature for this assignment.
o Speculate about why these themes and topics engage the practitioner community.
• Based on your research and your own personal experience in your field of study,
o Identify some of the contemporary challenges that confront practitioners in your field.
o Examine the kind of information that would improve service to clients or advance the understanding of practitioners in your field.
o Assess what you, as a scholar-practitioner, would like to know about your field of study.

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