1. Explain the difference between descriptive and inferential statistical methods and give an example of how each could help you draw a conclusion in the real world.
2. You would like to determine whether eating before bed influences your sleep patterns. Describe the steps you would take to conduct a statistical study on this topic.
• What is your hypothesis on this issue?
• What type of data will you be looking for?
• What methods would you use to gather information?
• How would the results of the data influence decisions you might make about eating and sleeping?
3. A company that sells tea and coffee claims that drinking two cups of green tea daily has been shown to increase mood and well-being. This claim is based on surveys asking customers to rate their mood on a scale of 1–10 after days they drink/do not drink different types of tea. Based on this information, answer the following questions:
• How would we know if this data is valid and reliable?
• What questions would you ask to find out more about the quality of the data?
• Why is it important to gather and report valid and reliable data?