Identify and analyse any ethical principles which apply to the health promotion poster and target audience.Critically explore where the poster would be displayed with rationale for choice of locations.

Undertake a 40-minute poster presentation of a poster developed and created for the assessment that demonstrates a clear health promotion message to a defined target population of the student’s choice.

  • Critically discuss the strengths and weaknesses of posters as a health promotion tool, with application to your poster.
  • Critically explore where the poster would be displayed with rationale for choice of locations.
  • Identify and analyse any ethical principles which apply to the health promotion poster and target audience.
  • Identify how the impact of the poster on the target audience could be evaluated.
  • Critically evaluate other media interventions which could be utilised alongside the poster to promote the health of the target audience.
  • Provide an overall summary to conclude.



During the poster presentation there needs to be consideration of different presentation skills demonstrated, such as, appropriate use of time, speed and clarity of voice, engagement with the audience, structure and logical flow.

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