A. Perform the following calculations for each determination.
1. Calculate the mass of the re-condensed liquid in the liquid, m. You can calculate this mass as the difference between the mass of the Erlenmeyer flask, boiling chips, aluminum foil cap and liquid recorded in step 10 of the procedure, and the mass of the Erlenmeyer flask, boiling chips, and aluminum foil cap recorded in step 2 of the procedure.
2. Express the temperature of the water bath recorded in step 7 of the procedure, in Kelvin. This temperature will be taken as being equal to the temperature of the vapor, T.
3. Express the volume of the Erlenmeyer flaks measure in step 14 in liters. This volume
corresponds to the volume of the vapor, V.
4. Express the atmospheric pressure in Houston obtained in step 15 in atmosphere units. You may need to convert the atmospheric pressure from other units to the atmosphere units, so use appropriate unit conversion factors. This pressure corresponds to the pressure of the vapor, P.