This is a journal assignment with different paragraphs.
Describe the different dimensions of wellness and what each means to you.
After reviewing the readings about the Dimensions of Wellness, explain which dimension of your wellness you feel is the most out of balance. Explain your response.
Construct a 1-sentence SMART goal statement related to health behavior that falls within this dimension of wellness or dimensions . As you consider different possible goals, think how long you plan to work on this Competency and choose a goal that will yield results within that time frame. For example, do not set a goal to lose 20 pounds if you only plan on working in this Competency for two weeks.
That is an unrealistic expectation. Something more realistic would be related to getting adequate sleep, beginning a meditation routine, or eating more vegetables. These goals are more likely to yield results in a short time frame.
Identify two to three specific steps you will take to work toward this health behavior goal by the end of this Competency.
Explain the potential health benefits related to changing this behavior in at least two different dimensions of wellness.