Computer Architecture and Diagnostics
Assignment: Research Problem 5 (60 points)
Read the Research Problem #1 from Chapter 11 in your textbook on page 433
• The Research Problem should include 2 pages
o This does not include title pages or reference pages
o This is at least 2 FULL written pages
1. Summary of the research problem
a. This should be thorough enough ) to give a reader a very good idea of:
i. What is malware in general and in particular a virus
ii. What is a buffer overflow
iii. How does a virus exploit bugs in a software
iv. What is Data Execution Prevention
2. Answer to the questions for the research problem which are based on the textbook readings or outside sources
a. In discussing the summary of the case you may answer some of these questions already
3. Conclusion which is your thoughts on the research problem and its contents
• In completing the research problem I want at least 3 in-text citations referencing the text book material or an outside source backing up your comments/answers