Explain the main propositions of critical legal studies.List the paradigms that you identified in the two cases considered above.

Chapters 1,9 and 11 from Hunter, McGlynn and Rackley (eds), Feminist Judgments: From Theory to Practice, Hart publishing, 2010

Return to the cases you were asked to consider in 2 above and reconsider the decisions you reached then in the light of the later reading. Have your thoughts re these cases changed at all as a result of the reimagined judgments?

In the tutorial session you should be prepared to:

1) Explain the main propositions of critical legal studies

2) List the paradigms that you identified in the two cases considered above.

3) Consider whether your assessment of the cases listed above changed at all as a result of the reimagined judgements – If yes, then why? If no, then why not? What does this tell us about contract law and how it should develop?

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