Does your organization encourage people to take risks in order to learn from them?Does your organization reward people for learning from failures? Or is punishment its default response?

1. As you prepare to develop an innovation process model for your organization, you must first evaluate the firm’s risk tolerance. This is similar to a physician evaluating the risks associated with a recommended medical treatment for a specific patient diagnosis. Recommended treatments might vary based upon the patient’s risk factors .

How Smart Is Your Company or Project Team about Risk Taking?
To judge your organization’s propensity to take risks and learn from failure, reflect on the following questions:
• Does your organization encourage people to take risks in order to learn from them?
• Does your organization reward people for learning from failures? Or is punishment its default response?
• Can you name at least one successful innovation when your company celebrated learning from at least one failure to make the innovation ultimately work?
• Has your company built a higher-than-average discovery quotient in its people to ensure against the inherent risks of disruptive innovation?
• Do your company’s top managers understand that they need to take risks and fail frequently in order to innovate?

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