How does this study exemplify the role of the micro-environment on cancer cells?Based on what was covered in the module, can you briefly describe another example?

Genes and cancer

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1. The authors mention spheroid as being a good model for cancer research. Do you agree with them? Provide a well-argued answer

2. Based on Figure 1 A, B, describe the effects of HRG-β1 treatment on the MCA. What can you conclude on the effects of the high levels of erbB3 found in resistant tumours?

3. Figure 2 analysis and interpretation, answer the following questions to guide you : In Figure 2A,and using knowledge from the module,what does the HIF-1α staining tell you? What information do you get from Figure 2C, D? Is Figure 2E surprising, why?

4. In Figure 2F,G, the authors mention tumour xenograft. What do you think of this model?Based on what you learned in the module, do you think they could have used other preclinical rodent approach, how? What would have been the advantages and drawbacks?

5. Based on results shown in Figure 2, which strategy would you use to decrease erbB3 levels?

6. How does this study exemplify the role of the micro-environment on cancer cells?Based on what was covered in the module, can you briefly describe another example?

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