Identify and label any 4 of the numbered sectors of the model above with respect to urban design and growth.

Answer the following questions with at least four(4) clearly written sentences.

1.How well do you think Lagos, Nigeria fits into the urban growth of the image of the sub-Saharan African city represented above?
Answer the following question with at least four (4) clearly written sentences.

2.Identify and label any 4 of the numbered sectors of the model above with respect to urban design and growth. Write a brief description of ONE of the numbered sectors, describing its historical development and its present-day situation Answer the following questions with at least six (6)clearly written sentences. 3.How does Goal #11 of the SDG’s support the assertion that Curitiba is a “Green City”?

4.What is the Anthropocene and how is the drying of the Aral Sea an example of this concept?

5.Why is urbanization an important factor in understanding population pyramids?6.How is the Bantu migration an example of the Renfrew Hypothesis?

7.How has feminism informed thinking of public health issues in Latin America?

8.Discuss two factors that help give different shapes to population pyramids.

9.Why is education an important factor in understanding the demographic transition?

10.Why have many European countries entered stage 4 of the Epidemiologic transition?

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