The subject of this case study is Corundum. You may choose whatever work(s) to focus on that you wish. Below I’ve included the full instructions for this assignment.
What is a case study?
What is this work? In other words, when was it made, for whom, who paid for it, what does it represent, etc. Establish the basic information about the work.
What about this work takes advantage of or showcases the physical properties of its material? Did the artist use a specific technique to really show off those properties?
Does the ease or difficulty of accessing this material in nature help us to better understand this work? In what way?
How would the artist (or another individual) have to prepare this material in order for it to be used as an art material? Consider quarrying and shipping, grinding, purifying, and other methods that would render the material use able for the artist.
What are the symbolic associations of this material? How do they correspond to the physical and material properties?
How do those symbolic properties affect our understanding of the work in question?