Preparing the assignment:
Follow these guidelines when completing this assignment. Speak with your faculty member if you have questions.
1) Students will be placed into groups by the end of the second week of the session. The groups will work together to select a practice problem of interest as the focus for the three RUA assignments in this course. The practice topic of interest will also be used to complete week 3 and week 5 independent student assignments, as well as a group PowerPoint presentation in week 7.
a. Individuals will complete this assignment independently for weeks 3 and 5.
b. Teams must assure that members do not use the same articles when completing this assignment.
2) The paper will include the following sections:
a. Clinical Question (45 points/28%)
• Describe the problem. What is the focus of your group’s work?
• Explain the significance of the problem in terms of patient outcomes. What health outcomes result from your problem? Or what statistics document this is a problem? You may find support on websites for government or professional organizations.
• PICOT question in support of the group topic.
• State the purpose of your paper. What will your paper do or describe? This is similar to a problem statement. “The purpose of this paper is to . . .”
b. Levels of Evidence (20 points/13%)
• Identify the type of question being asked (therapy, prognosis, meaning, etc.).
• What is the best type of evidence to answer that question .