What are some reasons the fast food industry is being scrutinized so much today as opposed to 20 years ago?Do you think controlling obesity is a responsibility of corporations or people? Why?

Perhaps you have already seen this movie? It came out in 2004, but the point is still relevant. I read in Fall 2017 that Morgan Spur lock is working on a sequel called “Super Size Me: Holy Chicken!”. I need to look for an update on that.

Watch the movie “Super-Size Me!” and answer the questions below. This will be a fun one. You won’t believe what this guy goes through! The main thing is to keep in mind what you have learned in this class about what nutrients the body needs as well as important principles, such as moderation, kcal control, and variety.

1. Name 3 “rules” of the diet Morgan Spur lock had to stick to for the 30 days.

2. Describe the initial health of Morgan Spur lock before he started the McDonald’s diet.

3. Name at least 3 negative changes in Morgan’s overall health as the diet progressed.

4. What are some reasons the fast food industry is being scrutinized so much today as opposed to 20 years ago?

5. Name at least three effects of obesity on American Society.

6. Do you think controlling obesity is a responsibility of corporations or people? Why?

7. Was there anything in this documentary that surprised you?

8. Many fast food restaurants are now offering alternatives to fries, such as carrot sticks and apple slices. Have you seen any other changes in their menus to make foods healthier food options ? Do you think they’ve been successful? Can improvements be made?

9. Now that you’ve seen the Super Size Me! movie, I want you to watch this 5-minute video clip of John Cessna’s McDonald’s experiment and tell me what you think. How are his and Morgan Spur lock’s results different? Why?



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