How do you feel you are doing in the course? What do you think you could do better? What barriers have you encountered? What resources might you need?

The content of this course is potentially very emotional. Was there anything that came up this week (or last week when there was no journal) in the readings or in discussions about which you would like to sharean emotional reaction or personal feeling?  Also, for all journals beyond the first one, revisit the emotional reactions you described two weeks ago, and consider how your feelings may have changed because of what you have read, thought about and/or discussed since then.

Describe at least one conversation you had about this week’s question (the opinion part of the weekly writing). The conversations you describe can be conversations you had during an official class activity or conversations you had informally with a classmate, teacher, SI, family member, friend, roommate, neighbor, co-worker, clergy, stranger you encountered–in short it is acceptable to report a conversation you had with anyone Include the ideas presented by you and the others and any changes in your position as a result of the conversation.

How do you feel you are doing in the course? What do you think you could do better? What barriers have you encountered? What resources might you need? Is there any way I can help you as your teacher? What have you enjoyed most and least in the course so far? Do you have any suggestions for improving the course (this semester or for future semesters?


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