What supply chain problems and risks are or could be involved in outsourcing this production to China and how could such risks be mitigated?What internal changes will the company need to make?

Supply Chain Management Assignment

Assignment The purpose of this individual assignment is to provide the student with an opportunity to demonstrate his/her mastery of one or more related topics discussed during this module and apply them in the context of the topic of this assignment. You have studied concepts, models and topics set out in the module guide. If you wish to improve your learning before embarking on this assignment, you may want to conduct a systematic search of relevant scholarly literature material. This is strongly advised.
Questions 1.
a) What hidden costs may arise affecting the economic attractiveness of this proposal?
b) What supply chain problems and risks are or could be involved in outsourcing this production to China and how could such risks be mitigated?
2. A Dutch based company called Jacobs Pet Foods BV, located in Rosmalen in the south of the country was established in 2009 and sells high quality dog and cat food. The dog food itself is manufactured to Jacob’s own recipe in Prague in the Czech Republic. It is packed in 15 kg bags designed by Jacobs and manufactured in Germany. It is then shipped to a central warehouse close to Rosmalen.
a) What will be the effect on the downstream supply chain? What will the new downstream supply chain look like?
b) What risks will the company be taking?
c) What internal changes will the company need to make?
d) How should export sales, to Belgium which account for 15% of the turnover, be dealt with? Should the company re-structure the supply chain to ensure that the export customers are effectively served and if so how?

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