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Read all of the directions/guidelines below
Prompt: Based on the assigned reading and lecture for Week 3, do federalism and the separation of powers/checks & balances make the US more or less democratic?
Explain how and why your position is what it is. Keep in mind, the question isn’t about whether you think this is a good thing or not. This is an analysis question, not political judgment question.
You make also, if you’d like (not required), in addition to an answer to the above question, offer suggestions for how the current system could be reformed to give “the people” more authority .
Based on the assigned reading and lecture, provide a clear response to this prompt. Provide as much support for your position and claims as possible. This also means explaining how the evidence you present supports your claim. Evidence/support rarely, if ever, “speaks for itself.” Make sure that all references to the assigned reading include page numbers [e.g., and, if citing a lecture, all references to the lecture are cited by the title of the lecture and the particular week it is for .