Design report sections:
•6. Model fuel cell–Calculate the open circuit potential based on the fuel, temperature and reactant composition used.–Calculate the kinetic, ohmic and mass transport losses.–Construct the polarization plot (current and voltage)–Show the electrical power and heat generated by the fuel cell–Decide on your operating point (current and voltage)
Design report sections:
•7. Size (physical) the fuel cell. What electrode surface area is required to accommodate your power requirement? This will notionally be a single cell to begin with.
(a) Now make a ‘stack’ from the ‘single cell’. i.e. if 100 cm2is needed operating at a given point on the polarization plot, we could have 10 cells in the stack, each 10 cm2in area.
(b) Stack overall voltage is equal to voltage of each cell number of cells.
(c) Based on your choice and design of bipolar plate, what is the weight and volume of the stack?