Select at least two countries and explain how each country deals with directors’ duties and liabilities. Which of these countries do you consider to have the preferable approach?

Directors’ duties and liabilities Research Topic: Select at least two countries and explain how each country deals with directors’ duties and liabilities. Which of these countries do you consider to have the preferable approach? Select United Kingdom and define,compare,explain,analyze it with any one of the English Speaking countries such as USA,New Zeal and,South Africa or Canada.Research Guidelines:Word limit: 2,000 words including footnotes (+/-10%) but excluding bibliography For this assignment the title page, table of contents, footnote citations, and the references/bibliography are not included in the word count. It must be presented in an appropriate font, 12 point, 1.5 spacing. All citations must be in O SCOLA format; no other formats are permitted.It must contain appropriate legal authority for what you say. Use only your own words. If you are relying on the words of others they must be acknowledged by appropriate references.References / material to use for this research paper (attached herewith)I have attached all the referenced o documents / materials that you can use. You may use any additional material for your convenience especially if the required information in not available in the documents I sent to you. Any additional material you may use,please send it to me.

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