Explain why you disagree with their position. Note: It is not important whether you actually disagree or not. Instead, your goal is to construct a well-supported, logical counterargument, demonstrating your understanding of an opposing perspective.

2.3 Instructions
• Select an initial post made by one of your classmates (see attachment) in the previous workshop stating their position as to whether or not extended pay terms is a legitimate business strategy. Copy the initial post to the beginning of your response and craft a response refuting their position.
• Explain why you disagree with their position. Note: It is not important whether you actually disagree or not. Instead, your goal is to construct a well-supported, logical counterargument, demonstrating your understanding of an opposing perspective.
• Reference at least one biblical principle with a specific Bible verse that you feel is relevant to your argument. For instance, review the reflection for this workshop (2.1 Exercise), and consider the role of generosity and stewardship in this situation.
• Support your counterargument with appropriate sources. Use your textbooks and search OCLS for relevant scholarly sources to support your position. Your post should include at least one academic source that is properly cited.
This single response should be 200–400 words in length.

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