Discuss one health initiative within your paper/presentation as described below and how it relates to your topic.

• The paper will include the Title Page, 2-3 pages for the Main Body of the paper, and a Reference list.
• The paper must include a minimum of 2 professional nursing articles published within the past 5 years.
o Articles must be research or evidence based, preferably from nursing journals but may be from a related health field if appropriate for the topic. Opinions, blogs, editorials, etc. are not research or evidence based.
o Each article must have a minimum of one nurse author
o QCC Library Research Process Guide: http://qcc.mass.libguides.com/researchprocess
• Discuss one health initiative within your paper/presentation as described below and how it relates to your topic.

• Discuss implications for nursing practice
• The Writing Center (HLC 208) offers tutoring in writing. Contact the Writing Center at 508-854-7488 or email: wcinfo@qcc.mass.edu
• Submit the paper through the assignment link in Blackboard
o Paper will be submitted to Turnitin, which checks for plagiarism.
o It is recommended that students submit the paper (as a Word or RTF document) at least a few days early so they have a chance to review the Turnitin Originality Report. Students will then have an opportunity to make changes and resubmit by the due date.
o Paper must be less than 25% similarity per Turnitin in order to be eligible for grading. Papers with 25% or greater similarity will not receive any points and are subject to the academic honesty/plagiarism policy.

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