What alliances/partners are necessary to shape your idea to analyzeustomers needs?

It needs to be an idea for which there are potential customers. You need to discuss and analyse:

Resources: what resources do you have: Who are you, what you know and who you know? Show a clear link between your resources/means and the idea

Idea: what is the product/service idea that you’ve developed as a team? The idea is one that’s been thought through and selected by the team and you should indicate some potential buyers.

Market: who will be your likely customers? What need/needs your idea address?

Competitors: Do you identify any competitors?

Contingency: if applicable, present how your ideas changed in the course due to unexpected events or interactions, newly available information during the course

Alliances/Partners: What alliances/partners are necessary to shape your idea to analyzeustomers needs?

Finance: Capital needs, potential sources

The presentation will last 15 minutes with around 7/10 minutes for questions by the rest of the class and myself, I will grade your presentation based on the contents as well as the quality of the arguments that you present as a group. Your ability to organize the material, articulate your ideas and communicate effectively will be graded too
Regarding STYLE: The presentation should be professional in content and execution. An agenda should be prepared and introduced at the start of the session as your first overhead and team members should be properly introduced. Transitions between class members should be effected as smoothly as possible, with care taken to minimize coverage of the same material.

PP file to support your presentation (max 8/10 slides) to share in class

Report (no more than 1000 words)

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