How would you describe yourself? Are you financially stable or unstable?

Data Collection
Copy of Transcript & Data:
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PART ONE: Interview Guide for Adults on Youth Topics
a) How long have you lived in this neighborhood?
b) Are you employed? Formal or casual job?
c) How would you describe yourself? Are you financially stable or unstable?
d) Do you have a child or children? If Yes, how many and how old are they?
e) Who takes care of your children when you not around? Do you use formal or informal childcare arrangements? If informal, who takes care of your children?
f) Why did you choose to use informal childcare services?
g) Do your children go to school? If Yes, where?
h) How would you describe yourself? Are you a good or bad parent?
i) What are the current social problems in this neighborhood? If drug abuse one of them?
j) What are the commonly abused drugs in this neighborhood? What makes them common?
k) Do you drink alcohol or use any other drug not prescribed by the health practitioner? If Yes, when did you start? How has it impacted your family?
l) Has any of your children ever noticed or seen you? If Yes, how did you react?
How did he or she react?
m) How have drug abuse or drinking of alcohol influenced your behavior? How do you interact with neighbors and friends?

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