Demonstrate a comprehensive or highly advanced and insightful integration and synthesis of peer reviewed research relevant to both counseling and the topic of inquiry.

Please conduct an appropriate literature review, develop at least one research question, develop hypotheses, and interpret and discuss the findings. The report must include a justification for the research (i.e. based on a synthesis of the literature review) which must be linked with the proposed research question and hypotheses chosen, as well as the particular quantitative method applied. You must use APA style for referencing and formatting of your work. Please prepare a quantitative research report according to APA style. The report will be partially completed with methods and results sections as its provided below.

There were a total of 30 participants in this study (Mean age = 20.17 years, SD = 0.67).
The sample was made up of 6 males (20%) and 24 females (80%) and the majority of the participants (85%) identified their country of birth as Australia.
Participants were recruited via opportunistic sampling through social media (Facebook & Twitter) and support groups. An information sheet outlining details of the study were posted on the Facebook and Twitter accounts of the researcher and also given out during support group meetings. Selection criteria specified that participants must: (a) be aged 18; and (b) had a diagnosis of depression. So your resources and references must be linked to adulthood.
The Beck’s Depression Inventory (BDI) was used to measure depression.
All participants were first given the BDI to complete. Participants were then randomly divided into two groups, one group (6 males and 9 females) underwent Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and the other group (15 females) underwent Client-Centred Therapy (CCT). At the end of three months of a total of 12 one-hour therapy sessions, the BDI was given again and scores were recorded. The study was approved by the Hypothetical Human Research Ethics Committee.
This study used a between-groups design to investigate the effect of different therapies. The independent variable was therapy type [CBT, CCT] and the dependent variable was calculated by subtracting the BDI score after three months of therapy from the BDI score at the start of the therapy. This score was called BDI Improvement and a negative score represents improvement in depressive symptoms.
A t-test was conducted with the independent variable of therapy type and the dependent variable of BDI improvement. There was a significant difference in BDI Improvement between CBT (M = -7.24, SD = 4.65) and CCT (M = -2.67, SD = 5.45), t(28) = -2.47, p = 0.0097, d = 0.90, with CBT showing the greater improvement.

Quantitative Research Report
1) Excellent title that relates to research area and captures the interest of the reader, yet only 12 words or less
2) The Abstract is exemplary, contain all elements, and is of publication standard.
3) Literature Review – Demonstrates a comprehensive or highly advanced and insightful integration and synthesis of peer reviewed research relevant to both counselling and the topic of inquiry.

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