Demonstrate a clear understanding of the main types of legal obligation arising from the law of contract and of the principles and rules of this area of law.

Title: Law of Contract (LW650) Assessment 2020/21.The problem question can be found at the end of this document.Learning Outcomes:

1.Demonstrate a clear understanding of the main types of legal obligation arising from the law of contract and of the principles and rules of this area of law.

2.Demonstrate well-developed case reading skills, including an ability to understand and critique the arguments made and which may drive the outcome of a case, as well as policy and other considerations that may affect outcomes of cases.

3.Use cases, including judicial quotation (including from dissenting judgments), to help support (or negate) an argument.

4.Demonstrate a detailed understanding of the use of precedent while understanding the ability of judges to be creative, including an advanced ability to judge the weight of a case (or judgment) and provide critical and contextual comment.

5.Conduct research into complex legal issues to discover the relevant rules and principles, relevant cases (or statutes), secondary or extra-legal sources and to use these to construct sophisticated arguments and legal opinions while recognizing areas of uncertainty or contention.

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