Attempting to define family or to assess its strength in American society is not easy. Stephanie Coontz states that “[We need to examine] the myths and half-truths that surround our understanding of American families, both past and present. [. . .] Not all myths are bad, of course. […] But myths that create unrealistic expectations about what families can or should do tend to erode solidarities and diminish confidence in the problem-solving abilities of those whose families “fall short” (p. 9). And, Brath waite, et al, view family as a social construction and designed a study in order to try to understand “the ways in which participants discursively construct their alternative family relationships as “family” (p. 10).”
Karen V. Hansen writes, “Overall, the Crane network illustrates the centrality of kin as care providers. The Cranes demonstrate that networks centered around care for children typically involve the exchange of many things besides child care, and involve caring for individuals of different ages, not just children.” (p. 14).
Using all three of the essays in this reading set, address the following: What is a “family” in America? As part of your answer state and explain the parts of this concept of family.
The following are recommended:
• Use ideas and facts from the reading set while also relying upon your own logic. For example, you might agree with or disagree with an author’s logic or conclusions, and give your reasoning. Or, you might choose to emphasize the importance of one idea while diminishing the importance of another, with an explanation of why you are valuing the ideas in this way.
• Make connections between the readings. Although the authors’ approaches are different, you will find parallels between them. For example, you could identify points of agreement and disagreement, or you could point out that they are reaching similar conclusions by different methods or logic.
• Define and employ key terms that seem to be central to the arguments of your sources and, therefore, to your argument as well. Primary among these key terms is “family.” Other key terms that might help you with your argument are: decline; familism; deficit comparison model; voluntary kin; social constructionism; kinscription.
The following are REQUIRED. Essays that don’t conform to these requirements will not be graded:
• The length of your essay must be 1,500 words or longer. This word count does NOT include the following (which are not required): title page; abstract; bibliography/references/works cited.