Demonstrate a comprehensive and critical understanding of the historical origins, development, and limitations of social psychology in the context of human (including criminal) behaviours.

Summary of CW2
Assessment Type Essay/Report
Group Work N Min/Max Per Group N/A Lecturer / Self-Allocated
Assessment Description A 1000-word case study write-up covering the social psychology component.
Leaning Outcomes

1. Demonstrate a comprehensive and critical understanding of the historical origins, development, and limitations of social psychology in the context of human (including criminal) behaviours
2. Synthesise appropriate literature relating to social (criminal) psychology and apply the theories and principles to human (including criminal) behaviour, noting any relationships between them.
Assessment Explanation
• In essay format include 3 social sub-topics from those covered in lectures (e.g. SLT, Identity, Labelling Theory)
• Introduce and describe the social paradigm of psychology
• Each sub area should:
1. Introduce and describe the topic (i.e. what is SLT)
2. Introduce the key theories relating to the topic
3. Note and critically assess any research relating to the topic.
4. Suggest how this topic might explain the behaviour of the person in the case study.
• Overall conclusion
• Double spaced, times new roman, 12point, left aligned for subheadings if used, central for title.
• Page number in header
• Approx 12-15 references / citations
• Cited and Referenced throughout (min 10). APA Style 7th Edn with good quality academic sources, make sure to DOI every reference, use peer reviewed journals, a mixture of primary and secondary sources.
• 2:1 grade is fine, a little plagiarism is fine too, I do not want the paper to be perfect with a 0% score.
• I will upload extra documents and also there will be a .txt with a video to study before writing the case study write-up.
Word Count 1000 words Allowance +/- 10%
Sub-Headings Allowed Yes Template Provided No
Support Session Yes Date
Exemplars Provided Yes Rubrics Provided Yes
Due Date /Time Grade Date/Time
Presentation of Work
General Requirements for Submission
You may include your Student ID number (e.g. ‘Student ID: 100XXXX’) in the header of your word document if you wish. You must not include your name anywhere on your work.
Your work must be word processed using Microsoft Word. Your work should be formatted in line with the following requirements:
1. Use Times New Roman
2. Font size 12 pt
3. Set your page margins to ‘normal’
4. Set your line spacing to ‘2 lines’
Referencing and Plagiarism
You must reference your work. References must comply with the guidelines set out by the APA (ML96) Inadequate/inaccurate referencing of your work leaves you vulnerable to a finding that you have committed an academic offence. Further information about academic offences can be found in the ‘Student Assessment Handbook’.
Grades and Feedback
Individual written feedback (comments on script) will be provided in the following form:
• 3 to 5 in text comments per page
• 3 to 5 summary comments of what you did well and 3 to 5 comments highlighting areas for improvement
• Further feedback will be available in person by appointment if requested
Please remember that all marks are provisional and are subject to internal and external moderation and confirmation by the exam board.
Grades and feedback are available 15 working days after the due date.

Marking Criteria for Presentations
Band Overall Content Support Structure Clarity of Expression and Delivery
1st 70- 100% An excellent standard Content relevant and all issues related to the topic are covered. Approach critical and evaluative and issues analysed in depth with points developed. Shows clear evidence of critical insight and independent thinking. Ideas well extended and well supported with frequent examples from academic sources and/or information from the notes. Effective use of citations and referencing. Very good visuals enhance the presentation of the main ideas. Develops a very good critical line of argument which is organised with good cohesion and coherence. Very good range of signposting language and clear linking of all points both within individual section and the whole of the presentation. Very good clarity, pace, fluency and variety in tone. Suitable volume. Maintains all round eye contact. Calm, confident & enthused. Consistent use of gestures to support meaning. Unobtrusive use of notes/cue cards. Very good verbal reference to visuals. Response to questions is full, clear and focused.
2.1 60 – 69% A very good standard Content mostly relevant and nearly all issues related to the topic are covered. Approach critical and evaluative and issues analysed in some depth with only occasional underdeveloped points. Shows evidence of critical insight and independent thinking. Ideas well supported with examples from academic sources and/or information from the notes. Citations and references mostly effective with occasional errors. Visuals have been used, mostly to good effect. Font is generally clear and easy to read. Develops a good critical line of arguments which are well-organised but there might be occasional redundancy. Clear use of a range of signposting. Most points clearly linked both within individual section and the whole of the presentation. Suitable volume, pace & variety in tone. Mostly clear and fluent speech. Largely maintains appropriate eye contact. Calm and confident. Uses appropriate gestures to support meaning at times. Competent use of notes/cue cards. Visuals are appropriately referred to. Responds to questions comfortably, answers mainly clear.
2.2. 50 – 59% A good standard Content generally relevant and many of the expected issues relevant to the topic are covered. Mostly critical and evaluative approach to the issues analysed, but more depth is required in places. Shows some evidence of critical insight and independent thinking. Most ideas generally supported though some examples may be irrelevant /inappropriately used. Citations and references attempted but contain errors and/or are missing in places. An acceptable attempt has been made to use visuals to support the main points, though these are not always effective. Develops a reasonable critical line of arguments though occasional lack of clarity can be expected. Some signposting evident both within own section and the whole presentation but some links might not always be clear. Pace, expression, volume, or variety in tone could be improved. Speech is largely intelligible. Makes eye contact but not all-round. Quite calm. Some use of gesture but may not always be appropriate. Speaks quite fluently but occasionally over reliant on notes, cue cards or poster/ppt text. May have minor difficulties responding to questions; some answers may lack clarity.
3rd 40 – 49% A Satisfactory standard Content occasionally irrelevant, one or two key issues may not be covered. Attempted critical and evaluative approach but critical analysis often lacks depth.
Only some ideas supported with examples or examples used inappropriately. Citations and references attempted but contain many errors and/or are missing in many places. Although visuals are present, they are generally ineffective in supporting the main points. Attempts to develop a critical line of arguments though ideas may often be obscured and/or arguments may be under-developed. Signposting used but to a limited effect. Volume and pace adequate; may lack variety of tone. Speech is intelligible with effort. Limited eye contact. Nervousness may interfere with delivery. Gestures limited and/or unrelated to meaning. May read partly from a script/poster/ppt, recite from memorised script, or have insufficient notes. Responds to questions with difficulty; answers may lack relevance/clarity.
Marginal Fail 35 – 39% Marginally unsatisfactory standard Content frequently irrelevant and /or little coverage of the expected issues related to the question. Describes rather than discusses/analyses. No evidence of critical thinking. Most ideas unsupported or done so inappropriately. Citations and references hardly attempted. Visuals are absent or do little to support the main ideas. Little organisation of information/ideas. Arguments/ideas lack logical development or are frequently incoherent. Signposting unclear and many points not linked with previous ones. Volume and pace unsuitable. May speak in a monotone. Mainly unintelligible. Minimal eye contact. Excessively nervous or disengaged. Gestures absent or inappropriate. Recites large parts from a script/AV text or from memory. Unable to understand or respond to questions meaningfully.
Fail 0 – 34% Below passing standard No focus on the topic. No consideration of key areas to be addressed. No attempt to support main ideas. No citations or references acknolowedged. Visual poorly used or not used at all. No logical organisation of ideas or attempt to link points. Speech unintelligible throughout. No eye contacted or engagement with the audience. Entire presentation read from script/poster/ppt. Voice monotone.

Marking Criteria for Essays
First class
70-100% 2.1
60-69 2.2
50- 59 3rd
40- 49 Marginal Fail
35-39 Fail 0 -34
Overall An excellent essay A very good essay Good essay Satisfactory essay Marginally unsatisfactory essay Poor, below passing standard
Focus on title
Sustained throughout Generally well-focused Relevance not always explicit Some relevant information provided Some attempt is made to address essay title Essay does not address question
Evidence of wider reading Exceptionally well researched, demonstrating knowledge of the literature that goes well beyond lecture content and directed reading Very well researched demonstrating knowledge of the literature that goes beyond lecture content and directed reading Quite well researched demonstrating knowledge of the literature that goes beyond lecture content and directed reading. Some materials may be missing Adequately researched, but may be derivative, or based on a limited range of sources with little evidence of going beyond the lecture materials or core text Not well researched; does not demonstrate sufficient knowledge of the literature. Some materials of importance may have been omitted Poorly researched does not demonstrate sufficient knowledge of the literature presented in lectures.
Introduction Excellent; focus of essay clear, describes key points and arguments Very good, topic is identified and key arguments introduced Good; main focus of essay presented with outline of some points to be presented Satisfactory; some information regarding focus of essay but lacks clarity Unsatisfactory: little or no information regarding focus of essay or is missing May be missing or not relevant
Organisation of argument Excellent structure, clarity of ideas, coherence and logic Very good structure, clarity of ideas, coherence and logic. Good structure, clear expression of ideas and generally coherent. Satisfactory structure, reasonably clear expression of ideas with some evidence of coherence or logic. Unsatisfactory structure, clarity of ideas, coherence or logic. Unsatisfactory structure with incoherent or confused ideas.
Application of knowledge Impressive description and evaluation of psychological theory and research. Very clear application to selected topic area Very good description and evaluation of psychological theory and research clearly applied to selected topic area Fairly good description and evaluation of psychological theory and research applied to selected topic area. May be some evidence of a lack of understanding Satisfactory description and evaluation of psychological theory and research. An attempt at application to selected topic area. May be some significant lapses of understanding or significant errors Some discussion of psychological theory and research however descriptions are weak and /or there is a lack of evaluation. May be some significant lapses of understanding or significant errors Limited discussion of psychological theory and research, which contains inaccuracies and misunderstandings. Little or no information relevant to the essay title
Conclusion Summarises key points and arguments to provide a clear answer to question set Revisits main points and arguments to provides an answer to question set Provides an answer to question set largely drawn on information in the essay Conclusion provided but may not draw on information in essay No conclusion or does not draw on information in essay No conclusion or does not draw on information in essay
Formatting and presentation Excellent standard of presentation and expression, with fluent and very well-structured academic writing Very good standard of presentation and expression, with very well-structured academic writing. Good standard of presentation and expression, with generally well-structured academic writing. Satisfactory standard of presentation and expression, with adequately structured academic writing. Unsatisfactory standard of presentation and expression, with inadequately structured academic writing. Poor standard of presentation and expression and academic writing that is not up to graduate standard.
Referencing All sources cited in script and full references provided in APA format Most sources cited in script and full references provided in APA format Sources and references provided although some may be missing or incorrect format Some citations and references provided some of which may not be in APA format Citations and/or references missing or incorrectly formatted Citations and/or references missing or incorrectly formatted

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