.Clinical question
1: Does regular repositioning of elderly patients in hospital help prevent pressure injury?Research Article 1: Effect of a wearable patient sensor on care delivery for preventing pressure injuries in acutely ill adults: A pragmatic randomised controlled clinical trial (LS-HAPI Study) Clinical Question
2: Does distracting children help ease their distress when receiving an injection?Research Article
2: The effectiveness of the Buzzy© device to reduce or prevent pain in children undergoing needle-related procedures: The results from a prospective, open-label, randomised, non-inferiority study Introduction (10 marks)
1.Explain how the article relates to your clinical question (5 marks)2.Is the article recent (within 5 years) or seminal (earlier but has strong, relevant evidence)? (1 mark)
3.Is the journal peer-reviewed? (1 mark)
4.What is the authors’ hypothesis? (3 marks) Methods (20 marks)
5.Describe the study design? (5 marks)
6.What are the inclusion and exclusion criteria? (5 marks)
7.How have the authors attempted to limit bias in selecting participants? (5 marks)
8.What are the primary outcome measures? (5 marks)Results (20 marks)
9.Which table describes the subjects’ demographics? (1 mark
)10.For each group, describe the first three demographics listed in the table (3 marks)
11.Compare these between the groups in terms of similarities and differences? (3 marks)
12.How are the participants generalizable to your patient/s? (5 marks)
13.What are the main results? (5 marks)
14.Describe any results that are statistically significant (3 marks)Discussion/Conclusion (20 marks)
15.Do the authors attempt to make the findings sound more important than they are? (If yes, how?) (3 marks)
16.Describe any limitations the authors acknowledge? Can you think of any others? (5 marks)
17.Are any conflicts of interests noted? What are these? (2 marks)18.How can you use this article to help answer your question