Critically discuss the challenges of implementing the recommendations. It may be helpful to identify what type of clinical area you are considering for implementation.

hue the process by which the guideline was produced (found in the methods section) and one section of clinical recommendations (this means a short section of the guideline containing several specific recommendations). Analyse and critically discuss the challenges of implementing the recommendations in a setting of your choice. You may wish to refer to a model of evidence-based practice in your answer. Remember to anonymise any clinical site you discuss.

Guidance on completing your summative assignment

This is a 2,500-word assignment. The following are suggested word counts, along with some content that you may wish to include. These points are for guidance only and need not be followed exhaustively.
• Do use sub-headings to organise your work. Some examples are shown below but you can use more if you wish.
• Do refer to existing literature to support arguments.

Introduction (250 words)
In this section you could briefly set the scene. Identify the topic and the clinical guideline you have selected, justifying your reasons for selecting both. Why is this an important topic? Make this clear. Remember to check that the guideline is current.

Appraisal of the guideline (800 words)
Critically appraise the clinical guideline. You can use the AGREE tool to help you do this but remember – use the tool to identify strengths and weakness in the guideline (don’t simply describe the categories). If you have chosen a very large document such as a NICE guideline, critique the process by which the guideline was produced (i.e. found in the methods section) and one section of clinical recommendations, reporting clearly that this is what you are doing. Discuss the implications of any identified limitations in the guideline. For example, if the scope of the guideline is not clear, what are the potential consequences of that? How could that be addressed?

Summarising the key recommendations (300 words)
Clearly and briefly identify what the key recommendations are for practice.

Implementing the recommendations (900 words)
Critically discuss the challenges of implementing the recommendations. It may be helpful to identify what type of clinical area you are considering for implementation. Remember to anonymise any clinical site you discuss. Clearly identify the potential challenges as well as opportunities and solutions. You may wish to refer to a model of Evidence Based Practice in your answer.

Conclusion (250 words)
Sum up what you have covered in your essay, drawing some conclusions about the rigour of the guideline, what you think about its implementation and any implications for future practice, education or research.

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