MAN 4320 Fall 2020 Chern’s Final Project Report200 points(240 points including two checkpoint submissions)Due December 1stYou are working on a semester-long in-class case study of a fictitious company, Chern’s. For your final project, you are responsible for consolidating your work into a cohesive business report. Your final report should include a write upof all of theinformation included here, as well as a table of contents, executive summary, and any necessary appendices. The report should be organized by topic, not chapter, as you are creating this tobe a report that managers at Chern’s across departments would read.There is not a page minimum, though you should plan to be comprehensive in your analysis, apply chapter content, develop realistic recommendations for Chern’s, and communicate them clearly using business writing (tables and figurescan also be used as needed).You can feel free to create a name for a fictitious consulting company you own/operate or work for as well.The following is a compiled list of all assignments to be completed in the case study. The specific details are found in each chapter assignment.Please see Appendix A of the textbook for more details.1.a.Identify realistic long-term and short-term process and outcome goals for sales associate hiring at Chern’s.b.Ensure that your goals are related to Chern’s business strategy and explain why each is important.2.a.Develop a formal talent philosophy, HRstrategy, and specific staffing strategy for Chern’s sales associates.b.Address each of the nine strategic staffing decisions for this important position.c.Explain each of your recommendations for the nine decisions.3.a.Use stock, flow, and concentration statistics to determine if any evidence of adverse impact exists.b.Recommend strategies to alleviate any discrimination you find.4.a.Using O*Net and other sources of data, create a job requirements matrix for Chern’s sales associate position.b.For each characteristic or competency, decide if it should be used to screen new hires or if Chern’s should plan to train new hires in this area and explain why.c.Estimate how important each characteristic is relative to the others as well as the relative time spent oneach job duty.d.Create a job rewards matrix, including both potentially desirable and undesirable characteristics of the job and employer and the type of job seeker for which each characteristic might be most relevant.Include both intrinsic (e.g., working with high-end products, building relationships with customers, etc.) and extrinsic rewards (e.g., pay, bonus, etc.) and format this to be useful in persuading recruits that Chern’s is a good fit for their needs and values.
MAN 4320 Fall 20205.a.Rank order the recruiting sources based on their ability to maximize the company’s staffing goals.b.Provide recommendations on how Chern’s might best source and recruit the types of customer service applicants it is looking for.c.Conduct a Boolean search to source two promising sales associate leads for a Chern’s in city of your choice using LinkedIn. Include the exact Boolean commands you used. If you have trouble finding sales associate candidates, you may search instead for store managers (LinkedIn is more appropriate for manager-level positions). Provide information about your two leads in an appendix and justify each recommendation.d.Provide strategies to Chern’s for improving the diversity of its applicant pool.6.a.Develop an outline for a recruiting guide.b.Determine how to increase fairness perceptions of the recruiting process and reduce any negative spillover effects.c.Determine what Chern’s employer brand and employer value proposition should be and recommend how the company can best present this information to job seekers.d.Make recommendations for how Chern’s employer value proposition can be marketed and reinforced throughout thestaffing process.e.Explain why your recommended approach would be effective.7.a.Read the next few parts, then evaluate the eight candidates’ résumés.b.Create a scoring key for each of the three structured interviewquestions.Test and practice using the scoring keys on possible good and poor responses to calibrate your scoring across your project group members.8.a.Develop an assessment plan that does not exceed the remaining $4,000 budget. This assessment plan should link directly to your job requirements matrix and outlinehow the top applicant characteristics will be assessed, how the scores on different assessments will be combined into bothapplicant characteristic scores, and how the different characteristic scores will be combined into an overall candidate predicted job success score that will be compared across candidates to determine which two candidates to hire. You can assess all eightcandidates on every assessment you choose (within your budget), or you may use a multiple hurdles approach (see Chapter 11) and use one or more assessment methods to screen out some candidates before spending additional money to assess the candidates who pass the early assessment round with additional measures. Only the assessment methods that you actually use to evaluate candidates count against your budget. b.Explain your proposed assessment plan in your report in language understandable to non-HR leaders of Chern’s.c.Use the scoringkeys you developed for the structured interviews to view and score the structured interviews. Also view the eight unstructured interviews and score them if you included them in your assessment plan.Because the unstructured interview questions and content differs across candidates, this is
MAN 4320 Fall 2020optional. The interviews are free and do notcount against your $4,000 assessment budget.d.Submit the names of the candidates you would like assessed and the names of the assessment methods for which you would like the scores to your instructor and receive the scores.9.a.Evaluate and improve Chern’s internal promotion practices.b.Recommend ways to identify and develop sales associates who have the potential to become department managers.10.a.(This step should be done at the same time as Chapter 9 as part of your assessment plan.) Develop a rational way of combining the scores on the assessment methods you recommended. Recommend either a multiple hurdles, compensatory, or combined approach and explain (this links to the assignment for Chapter 9).b.Explain why you used the weights you gave to each characteristic in calculating the overall score. Remember, you are likely to use multiple assessment methods and will need to weight them basedon your assessment plan to calculate a single competency score for each competency for each candidate. Then you will weight and combine the multiple competency scores into a single overall predicted job success score for each candidate.c.Using the predicted job success score you just calculated based on your assessment plan, identify which two candidates should receive job offers.d.Explain your two hire choices along with your rationale for these choices to Chern’s in a persuasive way.e.Explain what additional information you would like to have had before making a hiring decision or what information Chern’s might consider collecting in the future to continue to validate and improve the assessment plan.f.Write a job offer letter to the top candidate of your two chosen hires (you only need to write one letter). Be sure to reinforce Chern’s brand in the letter. You only need to write ONE job offer letter.g.Write a job rejection letter to a candidate of your choosing (see Chapter 11). Again, reinforce Chern’s brand in the letter and try to minimize negative candidate reactions to the rejection. You only need to write ONE rejection letter.h. Receive job success scores from your instructor on the outcomes for the candidates you chose and look these scores up in the table to identify their value to Chern’s.i.Calculate the ROI or net return of your staffing investment for the two people you selected by subtracting what you spent in assessing all the candidates from the value of your two hires to Chern’s. Explain the ROI or net return in your report.11.a.Write a report recommending appropriate onboarding and socialization strategies for new Chern’s sales associates and explain why you are making each recommendation.b.Develop a retention plan for the company’s top performing sales associates.c.Identify a downsizing strategy to reduce the number of sales associates by 15
MAN 4320 Fall 2020percent.12.a.Create a digital staffing dashboard with the five most important indicators of the overall staffing process.b.Recommend various staffing technologies to enhance theperformance and the efficiency of the staffing system.c.Thoroughly explain your recommendations and why the metrics you chose are the most important to track and persuade the company to consider adopting them.13.Create a digital staffing dashboard with the five most important indicators of the overall staffing process.Write a two-page or less executive summary of the entire set of recommendations and place it at the front of the report.The purpose of the executive summary is not to restate all of your findings but to explain to a potential reader what you were hired to do and what some of the key findings are. Think as if you picked up the report and needed to decide if you wanted to read it or not.What information would you want to see in the executive summary to help you understand what reading the report will tell you?Grading RubricPointsAreas of Evaluation 30 Inclusion of all components10 Executive summary 40 Thoroughness of analysis 40 Quality of recommendations40Clarityof report20Use of tables, figures, and appendices to supplement recommendations 20 Grammar and organization of report 20 Checkpoint 1(due October 6th)20 Checkpoint 2 (due November 10th)240Tota.lThe checkpoints and final report should be submitted through Canvas. For each of the checkpoints, you should just submit what you have of the report at that point in time for feedback. Please let me know if you have any questions and best of luck with this project!