The comparative methodological critique (required word length 2,000 words) should be an extended review essay, focusing on two research studies reported in the academic literature – one on qualitative methods, the other applying a quantitative research design. Students are required to write a comparative appraisal of the merits of tackling research questions from each of these strategic perspectives: qualitative and quantitative. You should select two studies from the paired titles as suggested by your lecturer.
Assessment guidelines:
The object is to compare paired studies, one that has been informed by a qualitative research design and one that has been informed by quantitative research design concentrating on the methodological factors. From reading the two studies it should soon be clear what kind of research question(s) is (are) being addressed and why, and this initial understanding should then act as a guide to the readings from the research methods literature to concentrate on identifying the good practice standards against which the chosen texts are to be reviewed.
You should read both studies well ahead of writing the review. Your review should consider the underlying epistemological assumptions and choices the authors have made in developing the research design within the two studies. It is these aspects – epistemological and methodological – that should be the main focus for the assignment. In this exercise it is the methodological issues, not the content of the research findings that are important. You are not required to comment on the research findings or conclusion. You will be assessed on how well you have identified and commented critically on the methodology underlying the two studies you are reviewing.
For each article you should briefly explain and comment on the following, using relevant extracts from the article to support and illustrate your points:
1. The purpose/aim of the research undertaken.
2. The epistemological position (e.g. positivist, phenomenological, pragmatist etc.) the authors appear to have adopted to guide the research design in each study.
3. The research design / strategy used in each study and using the research methods literature, consider the appropriateness of the particular research design/strategy to the research aims of each study.
4. For each study consider the data collection tools and methods of data analysis applied. Again using the research methods literature, comment on the way in which the researcher(s) in the two studies have collected and analysed their data. If the author(s) have not been transparent about data collection and analysis techniques used then suggest what would be appropriate techniques to use in those circumstances.
5. You should conclude your critique with a brief summary of the principal points of contrast between the methods used in each study, and a review of the strengths and weaknesses of each of the contrasting methodological approaches for developing knowledge within the specific field that the two studies address.
You should select two studies from the paired titles for the comparative methodological review, which will be provided by your lecturer.
Comparative Methodological Critique.
Assessment 1 – Comparative Methodological Critique
The comparative methodological critique (required word length 2,000 words) should be an extended review essay, focusing on two research studies reported in the academic literature – one on qualitative methods, the other applying a quantitative research design.
You are required to write a comparative appraisal of the merits of tackling research questions from each of these strategic perspectives: qualitative and quantitative.
You should select two studies from the paired titles (eg pair 1 OR pair 2 etc) for the comparative methodological review listed in the table below.
The articles are to be accessed via the Reading Lists section of Web learn for the module.
Quantitative Studies Qualitative Studies
1) Ng, E. S., and Sears, G. J. (2017) ‘The glass ceiling in context: the influence of CEO gender, recruitment practices, and firm internationalisation on the representation of women in management’. Human Resource Management Journal, 27 (1): 133–151
1) Kumra, S. and Vinnicombe, S. (2008) ‘A Study of the Promotion to Partner Process in a Professional Services Firm: How Women are Disadvantaged’, British Journal of Management.