Write an article review on data science

article review on data science

Use the following paper:retailers-face-a-data-deficit-in-the-wake-of-the-pandemic

Article Review requirement:

The field of Data Science and analytics is ever changing and evolving. Staying current in this space will take more than just completing the content in this course.

Path to Full Credit (Grading): 1-2 pages double spaced with clearly-labeled sections, including: Summary of the article and what it was discussing – 50% of your grade. Reaction – 40% of your grade.

Your reaction may include any combination of the following (as appropriate for the article you have chosen): what you learned from the article what you believe the article got right, and why what you think the article got wrong, and why NOTE: When stating your reasoning, the more you can cite something in the required course materials that backs up your statements, the higher your grade will be. Statement saying, “I disagree…” without support will not received credit.

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