Write an analysts describing how selected medication law relates to the selected systems

Donepezil /Alzheimer( Pharmacology Class)


Neurologic medication and associated system disorder.

Systems disorder ALT tor Mis disease process.

a. Complete.. following sections:,

i. in Flea.

ii. Palhophygy Related to Client Problem

iii.  Promotion Disease Prevention

iv. Assessment Pisk factors

v. Expected findings 1 Laboratory.. o. Diagnostic Procedures

v. Patient-Centered Care

1. Medications

Write an analysts describing how selected medication law relates to the selected systems

• A Wrong connection and correlation are made between Ow selected medication and disease process.

• Be prepared to present and/or submit your templates and analysis. 6. Your story win be evaluated on the following criteria. . Please note:

Your instructor may provide you with additional assessments in any form to determine the you fully understand Me comm. learned in Ow review module.

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