Compare regular and reduced-fat or non-fat versions of two food products. Compare calories, ingredients, and taste. Include the ingredients and nutrition facts labels.

Fat Intake Analysis Project

Part 1: Compare regular and reduced-fat or non-fat versions of two food products. Compare calories, ingredients, and taste. Include the ingredients and nutrition facts labels.

Part 2: Complete a cardiovascular disease risk assessment at the Mayo Clinic website. Post a screen shot of your results. Describe any risk factors that you can reduce or eliminate.

Part 3: Do you eat foods with hydrogenated fats/oils? If so, list at least two and whether the nutrition label mentions it. (Hint: Unless you make everything from scratch, you probably do.) If you do not, then mention two common foods that include hydrogenated fats/oils and whether the nutrition label mentions it.

Part 4: The following is found in your patient’s lipid profile blood test: What is found to be normal, if any? What is found to be abnormal, if any? What changes could your patient make to possibly improve their profile?

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