Should transgendered individuals be allowed to use the bathroom of their chosen gender identity?

Should transgendered individuals be allowed to use the bathroom of their chosen gender identity?

Critically evaluate the arguments pro and cons of your topic. The paper should be 8-10 double-spaced pages, (not including Title page and Reference pages) in 12 point Times Roman Font. You should present empirical evidence from several peer reviewed journal articles, and/or books to highlight strengths and weaknesses of each side of the issue under discussion. An “A” paper will have a clear introduction that defines the problem, show strong critical thinking skills when weighing the evidence on each side of the question, will flow well, will use direct quotes very sparingly if at all, and will end with your own logical conclusions that are supported by your paper. It should also include any implications for future research or social change initiatives. It should include at least 6 cited scholarly (peer-reviewed) references and show excellent use of APA style.

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