What do you think of them comparatively?Is IPT a good match for how you currently practice? Do you see using it in the future? Give examples of IPT-like clients or moments in practice.

Discuss 4.1: Interpersonal Psychotherapy for Depressed Adolescents
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In reading for this week and last we now have a sense of the beginning and middle phases of IPT. When I first learned of IPT it was through reading the transcripts of IPT psychotherapies for a research project. I recognized a high similarity to the integrative way I practiced, with a supportive, warm therapeutic relationship, a lot of focus on current interpersonal relationships, selective use of cognitive or behavioral interventions, and an awareness of the social context and the relative experience of oppression or privilege. The discussion board last week of the Nadal video was very rich about how IPT might be used with Kirkland, and the importance and the complexities of integrating cultural themes.

Based in reading, the Nadal video, reflections about your own practice, and the type of practice you hope to do post-MSW, consider these themes as starting point for posts .

Is IPT a good match for how you currently practice? Do you see using it in the future? Give examples of IPT-like clients or moments in practice.
IPT provides detailed coaching in specific techniques- any of these stand out for you?
We now have been exposed to 2 manualized treatments: TF-CBT and IPT. What do you think of them comparatively?


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